Okay, so I totally skipped Day 2.
Day 3 of my 21 Day Camp Mommy. Duncan had spent the night with my mom last night so this morning I "only" had Claire and Finn. It is remarkably easier, though, when we just have any combination of 2 out of the 3 kids. Had our usual morning, without Duncan though, and then were off to Granny's. Apparently he was a perfect angel until I showed up, then decided to turn it up a notch. Why? I don't understand. Granny was off to the dentist and we were just hangin' out at Granny's, not napping, until about 2:00 when both Claire and Finn finally napped. Duncan and I swam for a bit, both babies woke up and we came home. Duncan fell asleep in the car, so it was a nice quiet ride. Got home, got the babies fed and let them roll/crawl around, fed Duncan (thanks Emily for the awesome dinner!). Daddy came home and we got them all in bed with only a few mishaps. Tired kids are the hardest to get to bed sometimes. Why is that????
I'm trying to lose ten pounds by my birthday so no sweets in the house. Cherries are good, but they are no substitute for a good old bowl of ice cream. Sigh.
Tomorrow....I have no idea. I am sure Duncan will wake up wondering what we'll do. I have Irma coming to clean so she can help with the babies for a bit if I want to get Duncan out of the house. Aunt Becky comes home from her cruise tomorrow night. Hope she's well rested!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago
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