I woke up this morning to my newly arranged bedroom and wasn't quite sure where I was. Nor was I sure what day it was but it slowly all started to come to me that I was home, and it was Tuesday. It was not yet 7:00 but all three kids were awake so why fight it? Why try to bargain for just a few more minutes? After we hoisted a happy Claire and Finn out of bed, Duncan wanted to immediately find his Hot Wheels cars and have "the big race", and I was invited. I told him, just like I do every morning, "Mommy can't do anything until I have coffee." He then remembered that today is his Easter egg hunt with his class and was quickly distracted from the race. Claire and Finn were also very happy to have a bucket of plastic eggs to take apart and throw around the room. Tiny! Stickers! Everywhere!
It's very predictable that about ten or fifteen minutes before it is time to leave for us to go to school, Duncan decides that he is ready to go and grabs his things and heads for the door. This fills me with happiness because it takes me that long to wrangle Claire and Finn and him into the car with all the lunch boxes, special pillows and blankets, egg buckets, eggs, etc...that are necessary to deliver one four year-old to preschool. And while we are on the subject of Easter eggs, I will go on record to say I am not a huge fan of the massive egg hunt. We could attend as many as FIVE this year, but so far, only two of them are on my definite "yes" list. One at school today, and one on Easter Sunday at my mom's house with just our kids. More about that later.
So, with Claire and Finn's help I continued to work on getting our house ready for the Realtor to come tomorrow and take pictures. It is looking so good I think I want to just buy it from myself. And now it's 8:40 and the babies are asleep and Duncan is at my mom's and the house is quiet and still and it's nice. These moments at the end of the day make all the day's craziness okay. And I think tomorrow, when I wake up I'll know just where I am and what day it is.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago