- 6:00 - dinner
- 6:30ish - bath and frolicking (sp?) involving running around naked (Duncan, not mommy and daddy) and doing anything possible to avoid being diapered and jammied.
- 7:00 - diaper, jammies, bottle of warm milk, books...same ones over and over and over...
- 7:30 - rock to sleep and put to bed
- Anybody's guess but usually around 10 pm - wake up and cry for mommy...do not stop until she comes in. If she's tired enough, coax her into twin bed with me at this point and we are good until moring. If she's still got some gas in her tank, allow her to put me back to sleep but only for a little while, then cry and wake up. By this point she is way to tired and will just get in the twin bed in my room with me...ahhh...good night.
This must stop. So, tonight I put him down drowsy, but awake. He cried for five minutes and then was silent for an hour. Then, crying for about two minutes and then silence. It's been another hour. Do I dare hope this is working? I am prepared to try the method I read about in Happiest Toddler On The Block (hereafter HTOTB), which involves going in his room to let him know I am "still on the planet" but not picking him up, rubbing his back etc...I can just go in, say "I love you, go to sleep" and leave. I can do this every 15-20 minutes. All night if necessary, but I know with Duncan it wouldn't be. Only maybe an hour. An hour of angony.
But, so far, it's not been too bad.
It's been a year and a half since I slept in my own bed all night long.