Thursday, October 23, 2008

35 Weeks

Baby A (girl) weighs 5 pounds, 6 ounces. Baby B weighs 5 pounds, 4 ounces. Already twice as much baby in me as I had with Duncan at the time of his birth, and I am feeling every ounce of it. Lots of pressure, back ache, kicks, and discomfort but really nothing too terrible in comparison to what some women go through with twins.

We are on baby alert! Could be any day. Could be Nov. 7th.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I feel like a real parent!

I got my first call from a teacher/school. Well, my mom picked up Duncan from preschool today and he was sitting in the "naughty chair" (not sure if that's my mom's expression or the school's.) Apparently, shockingly enough, he does not always follow directions and is disruptive during nap/quiet time.


Yes, a three year old boy is disruptive during quiet time. According to my mom, the teacher said she became "angry" with him and when that did not appear to make a dent, she took him to the director's office. Something, I have a feeling, Duncan met with glee. An adventure!

So, I called the director and got the low down. Nothing too shocking, just that often/sometimes/frequently (I'm still not sure which) does not follow their instruction and on at least two occasions has not been quiet during quiet time. He runs around, tumbles, etc...

It's almost as if now the real parenting kicks in. I've just been keeping him alive up to this point. Iain and I talked about it and we are going to talk to his teachers and the director about what we believe works best with him (Love and Logic, basically) and hope to see some improvement.

Whee!! Just in time for twins!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

First Hockey Game


Duncan and Iain have gone to the Stars game, Duncan's first real hockey experience. I am home gestating and grateful for the peace and quiet.

I'm just large and tired and achy. No other way to put it. I was 34 weeks last Thursday, and so far everything is just fine. I don't think I'll make it to 37 weeks but we shall see. Selfishly, I am considering doing anything I can to bring on labor in about a week or so! I am really, really ready to be done. I have biophysical profiles of both babies on Wednesday and we will see how much they weigh. 10 days ago they were 4.5 pounds each.

I am in full-blown panic and nesting mode, which makes me really fun to live with! I just might give away everything we own in order to make room for more baby stuff. Even trying to keep in to a minimum, it's going to be a lot, and our house is very tiny!

We have hired someone to help us overnight for the first three weeks and I am really excited about that.

Too tired to type.

Must go lie down.
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