Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!


Big morning around here. Plenty of candy and cookies have already been consumed, a ride around the block in a new race car and watching the ol' Yule Log on TV. Good times and God bless.

Iain, Christie, Duncan, Claire and Finn
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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas '08




Getting ready for Wednesday night church is not so easy anymore, but I did manage to get Finn and Claire (or Fair and Clinn as I call them half the time...why?) in cute outfits, hats and socks. Might be the only time!

Duncan then had his preschool sing along on Thursday...pretty hilarious and cute. Love that stuff and am a total sucker for it. What would we do if they all behaved perfectly? Be sorely disappointed.

Today has been pretty good. Duncan and Iain have raked lots of leaves, and the babies and I have kind of cocooned indoors. It's not been half as bad as I thought it would to be home with all of them all day long as Daddy's here too.
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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

thanksgiving weekend





typing one handed, feeding claire in middle of night so no great post...not that they ever are.

d's party at school, family pics, etc...
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