Friday, January 05, 2007

One is not the loneliest number

I took Duncan to his granny's and aunt's yesterday afternoon and left him to spend the night. Spend the night! Since Iain had to work late I got some cherished time all alone. While I will not say I was dancing with joy, I was pretty excited. I lived alone for quite a long time before getting married. And I loved it. I love being alone. I am an introvert. If I go a long time without solitude I get drained of energy. I need it to recharge.

Happily, Duncan has a grand time at his grandmother's and aunt's house. They have two dogs, two kitties (which are hands down his favorite creatures) and numerous fish and frogs. And a staircase. He has become quite attached to his aunt and can say her name clearly enough for most of us to understand. He still can't say "granny" which I think stings a bit but this wont be forever either.

I have the morning to myself and feel a little paralyzed at all I could do with the time. I have to ask, "what can I do that would be most difficult with a toddler in tow?" That list is quite long. So then I have to prioritize.

I will let you know what I decide.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    So, do tell... what did you end up doing yesterday, with all your "free time?" :-)

    Duncan is totally gorgeous, Christie! I'm so happy to hear about him talking and being such a busy little boy. Exhausting for you, to be sure, but I can completely relate to sitting with husband after bedtime and gushing about the child(ren).

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
