Thursday, July 24, 2008


Me (22 weeks) and great friend Marjorie, also pregnant with twins, (28 weeks). She's having two girls. Our husbands became friends while at UT getting their MBA's, and are also great friends. They also have Grant, who is almost 4 and a good friend to Duncan.
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  1. Anonymous8:15 AM

    What great pictures! My goodness, Christie... you are carrying BEAUTIFULLY! Has your back started troubling you yet?

    How fun to be able to share this very special journey with a close friend. You and Marjorie make quite a cute pair! LOL

    Thanks for the update - SO glad to hear from you. :-)

  2. Are you kidding me? You guys look awesome!

  3. How fun! Someone who knows what you're going thru at the same time! Y'all look great! :)
