4:30 a.m. - Claire crying...give her bottle in bed. Everyone back to sleep. Duncan is next to me. Where is Iain? Where is the bedspread?
6:00 a.m. - Iain is up, doing something. Why? Claire crying again. I tell Iain make sure she has her bottle and again, everyone back asleep.
7:06 a.m. - Duncan asks where we are going today and can we get up. He hears both babies and must immediately go to them. Why???? They are not crying. I feel no urge, but we go. Duncan gets in bed with Finn..much laughter...and I pick up Claire. Eventually go back to get the boys. Where is Iain? We call him and find out he's gone to the gym and to work.
7:15 a.m. - 9:20 a.m. - Have 1st cup of coffee...ahhh...babies play in floor until things start getting rough. Claire knocks Finn over and I warn them that I'll have to separate them if they keep it up. Duncan gets on couch and pulls all of my clean, folded laundry on top of him to make a "campsite". Duncan walks up to me with poop on his hand and tells me "Finn is poopie...I just stuck my hand in it." Nice. Iain calls to discuss his expense reports. Duncan wants avacado. Finn has enormous, messy poopy diaper. All at once. Get Finn changed, all hands well washed, get expense reports fairly worked out, get both babies back down for naps. Still need 2nd cup of coffee.
9:34 - Having 2nd cup of coffee, both babies asleep, am going to go shower for playdate with great friend Marjorie, her boy Grant (Duncan's great friend) and her twin girls who are just a few weeks older than C and F. We totally comiserate. It's awesome.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
1 year ago
I can't imagine! You are doing a great job juggling everything. I'm so proud of you!!!