Lunch was very fun, with Iain's dad and his wife, and sister and her husband. We had turkey burgers that totally impress (recipe is estimate...I rarely follow them exactly and this one is hard to mess up):
Gorgonzola-Pecan Turkey Burgers with Cranberry Mustard
1 lb. ground turkey meat
1 container crumbled gorgonzola cheese
1 cup (or so) chopped pecans (or walnuts)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Onion powder to taste (if desired)
Mix all ingredients and grill burgers...indoors or out.
Cranberry Mustard:
Equal parts cranberry sauce (any kind you like...canned/fresh/jellied/with berries) and dijon mustard (in a pinch I've used regular ball park mustard and it's been fine) and 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes (or more, depending on how hot you like it) and set aside while burgers cook. Spead on cooked burgers with whatever other condiments you like, but I stick to just lettuce and tomato with these since there are so many flavors going on already.
Company stayed until about six, when it was time for bath and bedtime routine.
On Sunday, we did not go to church because Iain has the terrible cold that I thought was killing me last week. Instead, I packed up Duncan and took him to the Dallas Arboretum for a stroll and a romp in the toad fountains. It was really hot but fun. He was a little freaked out by the giant toads but also strangely fascinated. His new thing is handing you, or pretending to hand to you, whatever he's got and then psyching you out by taking it back.

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