Hey, happy Monday everyone! We have croup, out-of-town husbands, and sick mommies for you. Whee! But seriously, folks, this day really didn't start out (or end) too badly. Iain left before I even got out of (Duncan's twin) bed. By the time we got up at 7:00 he was gone and the Keurig was off. I quickly realized how bad I felt and took Advil. Then, started my day with a cup of Emeril's brew. Oh, and just to let you read the last page? It's 6:09 p.m., both babies are in bed but not asleep by any stretch, Duncan is in the tub and I am sitting on one of the chairs to his kids' table at my computer. A tiny, little person chair. My neck is even with the surface of my desk.
So, knowing Duncan felt bad I just resigned myself to some down and dirty parenting today. He really didn't feel well and is probably on the tail end of croup. He lazed around most of the day with fits and spurts of energy which required my attention. And, as some of you know, paying attention to one child requires ignoring the other one, or two as the case may be. The above scenario did not end well. But what do I do? I take pictures.
So, by noon Duncan decided that he was hungry and that noodles with butter sounded good. Fair enough. I make them, butter them, put them in a bowl and then (here's the tricky part) put them on a table near the couch so he can eat them while he lies and convalesces. You can see where this went, can't you? See picture above.
Now, fortunately, my new Shark steam mop came the other day. I've been told I simply have to have one so I ordered one from Canada...because I'm sure the Canadian steam mops are better! **Excuse, I hear loud crashing from the bathtub. Must go.**
Crisis over.
So, back to my new mop. I am excited because I have some old, dried green beans or something that I found today, stuck to my floor and I'm thinking this is a good way to get them off. To be fair, they are under the highchair and not in my direct line of sight. I am sure they are not alone, however.
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