Sooooo...we took all three kids to the State Fair of Texas today. It was all you can imagine it to be. The day started out drizzly and gray, but not too bad. Just left Claire and Finn in their footie pajamas because, hey, they are babies and besides, I don't want their feet to get cold (foreshadowing). When Duncan is excited about going somewhere, he can be tough in the morning and it's best just to get loaded and go. So, even though he had a terrible headache (whee!), Iain loaded up Duncan so that they could ride the train and I would follow shortly with Claire and Finn and we meet at Big Tex.
Got to the fair, got Big Red
unloaded. Did I mention that this sucker weighs 46 pounds? Which, with both babies in it makes at least 90 pounds, not counting accoutrements? Met up with D and I at Big Tex as planned at started our day. Oh, there was plenty of whining, feet dragging, puddle splashing, and some tears. But there was also corny dogs, trains, new cars, Big Tex (oh, so many times, Big Tex. We love you so much.), the dog show, the petting zoo and the creepy midway. And, speaking of the dog show, our sweet Claire is a bit like a drunken sailor at shows, we have learned. Lots of screeching and clapping and laughing. Loudly.

And on and on we dragged. Saw all the people selling the crazy showers with lights and DVD players, people using those personal scooters who don't need them, all the school children on field trips in their red t-shirts (hey! I put my kid in one too! So he'd stand out! Except he didn't so much.) and all the zany-ness that is the fair.
Oh, and remember those nice footie pajamas I talked about earlier? Yes, well, the clouds broke at about 2:30 and ohgmygawditwasthesteamiestdayever. And we had run/ran (cannot ever remember which is correct) out of water (because we are thrifty and bring our own environmentally correct nalgene bottle) and I was not about to hoof it all over that fair with 90 pounds of stroller and hot sweaty baby to find it. So I got a little whiny myself. Until we found some water fountains. Whew!
Had an awesome day. Pics in next post.
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